Friday, April 5, 2013

A Catholic Charismatic that I would recommend to both protestants and Catholics alike is Francis McNutt.

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Old 8th November 2011, 02:26 AM
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Francis McNutt and Healing

A Catholic Charismatic that I would recommend to both protestants and Catholics alike is Francis McNutt. Recently the Vatican sent a whole group of priests to his healing center in Florida to be taught how to heal the sick. Please look at his healing conferences available from his web site: christianhealingmin dot org
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Old 18th November 2011, 10:25 AM
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thank you for the post, i will look into this
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Old 18th November 2011, 10:43 PM
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I would also certainly recommend Francis McNutt's books, retreats and healing center. Also, many of the healing courses are available on video, and are great for prayer groups and other small group teaching. Also, many of the radio broadcasts can be downloaded for free from the site.

Please post the reference to the Vatican sending priests to his healing center.

Originally Posted by ChristianRetreats View Post
A Catholic Charismatic that I would recommend to both protestants and Catholics alike is Francis McNutt. Recently the Vatican sent a whole group of priests to his healing center in Florida to be taught how to heal the sick. Please look at his healing conferences available from his web site: christianhealingmin dot org

Last edited by mark1; 18th November 2011 at 10:49 PM.
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Old 15th June 2012, 05:38 PM

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I appreciate such a fair offering to those who desire further understanding on healing prayers.

Thank you ChristianRetreats!
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Old 8th September 2012, 09:06 PM

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Originally Posted by ChristianRetreats View Post
A Catholic Charismatic that I would recommend to both protestants and Catholics alike is Francis McNutt. Recently the Vatican sent a whole group of priests to his healing center in Florida to be taught how to heal the sick. Please look at his healing conferences available from his web site: christianhealingmin dot org
One does not learn to heal unless he or she is a medical doctor. For a Christian it is through the gift of healing, and that comes from the Holy Spirit.

One does not need to be taught to use a gift of the Holy Spirit.
(Matthew 7:21-23) “It is not those who say to me, ‘Lord, Lord’, who will enter the kingdom of Heaven but the person who does the will of My Father in Heaven.”

No matter who tells one anything about God he or she needs to ask Jesus if it is right or wrong.
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Old 12th September 2012, 05:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Giver View Post
One does not learn to heal unless he or she is a medical doctor. For a Christian it is through the gift of healing, and that comes from the Holy Spirit.

One does not need to be taught to use a gift of the Holy Spirit.

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Old 18th September 2012, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Giver View Post
One does not learn to heal unless he or she is a medical doctor. For a Christian it is through the gift of healing, and that comes from the Holy Spirit.

One does not need to be taught to use a gift of the Holy Spirit.
If that is the case, why is the ministry of Teacher included in the five-fold ministries of the Christian Church?

Don't tell me that it is just for teaching Bible knowledge, because everything we have and are is a gift of the Holy Spirit, and we need to be taught how to understand and use the gifts and tools of the Spirit by experienced and effective men and women of God, ordained by the Spirit into a Teaching ministry in the Church.

It is this attitude that we don't need to be taught, that has given rise to all the shonky ideas that have led to the misuse and discrediting of the gifts of the Spirit. Untaught people who have the stupid idea that they can be laws to themselves, using the excuse that they are taught by the Spirit alone, have done a lot of damage to people's lives and to the church in general.

The Holy Spirit is not a indeterminate mist that hangs around and does magic things in people. He works through people, and God has ordained ministries in the Church, and the Holy Spirit brings teaching through those people. This is why we need good, experienced, effective, Bible-based believers in our churches that are able to teach others. One of the major qualifications of a church elder, according to Paul in his letters to Timothy and Titus is that he needs to be able to teach. If a believer cannot teach others, he cannot be a church elder (according to Paul).
I was a young man and now I am old and I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread.

Last edited by Oscarr; 18th September 2012 at 07:51 PM.
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Old 10th October 2012, 11:19 AM
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I have been through the McNutt's School of Healing Prayer. It is truly amazing.
I have to disagree that you do not need to be taught. You may not NEED to but it is definately a help. I had been praying for healing for 40 some years before attending this training. I saw miracles that is true. However, the McNutts teach you how to develop "Healing Teams". It is wonderful for Prayer Groups. You learn to pray in a stronger faith, you learn the background and frankly, I have seen more healings.
A lady called me (after I had attended the 'School), I was in CA and she was in New Jersey. Her doctor had found lumps in her tummy and wanted me to pray over the phone for her. I did and about 2 weeks later she called to tell me she had been to her doctor and he confirmed the lumps were gone. Then she gave me information that amazed me. She said she had been born stone deaf in her right ear. She hadn't mentioned that. She said when I prayed for healing of her tummy, she received the hearing in her ear. Total healing. She had the doctor confirm this too. This woman was 59 yrs old so it was unlikely she would just spontaneously have her hearing healed by any natural means.
I learned that God does not do things half way.
If you ever have the opportunity to attend the McNutts School do not miss out if you have a desire to pray for healing or deliverance. Frances is in his mid 80's and I believe his wife Judith is doing most of the teaching now. It is still wonderful.
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Old 11th October 2012, 05:52 PM

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I haven't been to his school but I just reread Healing recently and just finished The Power to Heal this morning. Both are excellent.

There were some comments to the effect that healing is a gift and you don't need a class to get the gift. That's true, you don't. However, if you gave someone a car as a gift and they didn't know how to drive it, they are going to kill someone, maybe even themselves. The "I don't need anyone" attitude is spiritual pride and "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall" [Prov 16:18 ESV].
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Old 13th November 2012, 02:35 AM
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I have been through McNutt's School for Healing Prayer and have read most of his books. I find his teaching to be very balanced, sane, and scripturally and theologically sound.
"Let it ever be remembered that God is never discouraged with us, because He knows His own power."
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