Mainstreaming The
Hebrew Roots "Fringe"
Jude 1
It was suggested to this writer in August 2003, that Brad Young, Marvin Wilson, Dwight Pryor, Richard Booker and Ron Moseley were all writers that could not be compared to people in the fringe Hebrew Roots camp like kabbalists James Trimm and Avi ben Mordechai, Marshall Koniuchowsky and so on. That these people are more "orthodox" than the fringe element and it would be wrong to clump them in the same questionable doctrine camps of the "fringe".4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
I wasn't immediately familiar with those listed, except Dwight Pryor, who is a founding director with the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research. From the Seek God article; Jacob Prasch and The Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research:
...The J.S.S.R is not a resource a true believer could confidently embrace for learning Biblical truth. The Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research, is a "consortium of Jewish and Christian scholars." Jesus Christ is identified by the JSSR as being "like other Jewish sages of that time".
From their website:
" The Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research, a consortium of Jewish and Christian scholars, was chartered in 1985 as an Israeli non-profit scientific and educational organization dedicated to understanding better the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke), and to rethinking the Synoptic Problem. Examining the Synoptic Gospels within the context of the language, land and culture in which Jesus lived, this Jewish-Christian collaboration is unique and unprecedented historically...Christian scholars fluent in Hebrew and living in Israel are collaborating with Jewish scholars to examine Jesus' sayings from a Jewish and Hebraic perspective. The result of this research confirm that Jesus was an organic part of the diverse social and religious landscape of Second Temple-period Judaism. He, like other Jewish sages of his time, taught in Hebrew and used specialized methods to teach foundational Jewish theological concepts..." bolding added...A book published in 1984 by David Bivin (Director of the JSSR) and Roy Blizzard has formed the basis of much Hebrew Roots' doctrine. The following excerpts from Understanding The Difficult Words Of Jesus represent the JSSR viewpoint on the lack of originality of the Greek New Testament:
"...Our reasons for writing this book are not only to show that the original gospel was communicated in the Hebrew language; but to show that the entire New Testament can only be understood from a Hebrew perspective. 2.....The contributors were not only from the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research (JSSR) but had to be personal friends of David Forbes.
"It cannot be overemphasized, that the key to an understanding of the New Testament is a fluent knowledge of Hebrew and an intimate acquaintance with Jewish history, culture, and Rabbinic Literature."
“Many of the contributors are well-known, names such as David Bivin, Walter Riggans and Dwight Pryor, but new writers are also included. The criteria for selecting the authors were twofold, namely that they had something relevant and important to contribute and that they were friends and colleagues of David.” 26Jacob Prasch recommends Dwight Pryor... Dwight Pryor is with the J.S.S.R. "Dwight is President and Founder of the Center for Judaic-Christian Studies, established in Austin, Texas, in 1984. He also is a founding member of the Board of Governors of the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research in Israel." ..."
Dr. Brad Young, mentioned above,
is also one of the founding scholars of the Jerusalem School of Synoptic
Studies, who works closely on Gospel research with Prof. David Flusser and Dr.
Robert L. Lindsey. He is a member of the faculty of the Graduate School of
Theology at Oral Roberts University serving as Associate Professor of
Judaic-Christian Studies. According to his website promotion, his seminars
attract Catholics and mainline Protestants, evangelicals and Charismatics.
Jews for Jesus wrote an article
about the Hebraic Roots movement, in the section "Frequently Asked Questions" and
stated the following. In it we find mention of the writers, Roy
Blizzard & David Bivin, Brad Young and Robert Lindsay, [bolding added]
"...The Hebraic Roots or Jewish Roots movement can be described as a movement of organizations, often closely networked, that hold in common an emphasis on recovering the "original" Jewishness of Christianity through any or all of the following: studying the Bible in its Jewish context; observing the Torah; keeping the Sabbath and festivals; avoiding the "paganism" of Christianity; affirming the existence of original Hebrew language gospels and denigrating the Greek text. Usually this is all grouped under the rubric of "studying the Hebraic roots of Christianity" or something similar. Much impetus has been given by the work of scholars and writers such as Roy Blizzard & David Bivin; Brad Young; Robert Lindsay, all of whom have written over the past years in support of the existence of original Hebrew-language gospels (taught pre-eminently by the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research in Israel). [bolding added]...The "Hebraic Roots" movement seems to be growing in influence among Christians, perhaps because most organizations in the movement now have an Internet presence..." 1
This writer was also told in
August 2003, that the
Restoration Foundation was a source of what Hebrew Roots is really about.
"One good example of what really qualifies as the "Hebrew Roots" movement is - Restore! Magazine" and "(Actually most of the folks who teach at real Hebrew Roots conferences, like the one in Arkansas this week, and Cleveland, TN in a few weeks (Restore!), you do not even know their views.)".
That statement about knowing
"their views" was a very wrong assumption. While I may not have specifically written about all connected to that particular organization, that
does not mean that they do not fit the profile of what has been written in the
various articles, or that organizations they specifically recommend or endorse or
are connected to, have not been written about. But, this writer will very
pointedly see what precisely the 'real' Hebrew Roots
movement is about, based on these required resources.
Again referencing the Jews for Jesus article,
we read that all is not 'good,' as was portrayed to me concerning, for example,
the highly recommended Restoration Foundation>
"... There is little or no emphasis on evangelism among most if not all of the Hebraic Roots groups, but rather an emphasis on "restoring" for Christians the Judaic / Hebraic heritage of the early church. Some, such as John Garr's Restoration Foundation [], explicitly have promotion of interfaith dialogue as one of its goals.A closer look at the Restoration Foundation that this writer was told was supposed to reveal the best and correct views of the Hebrew Roots movement, reveals the following.
There is a certain fuzziness to the boundaries of the Hebraic Roots network that makes it hard to pin down a general theological orientation. For instance, the Restoration Foundation links to The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry [], Netivyah [], and a host of Hebraic Roots organizations,...
"Hebraic / Jewish Roots Christian Ministries" includes groups as disparate as First Fruits of Zion [], Marvin Wilson, []; Bridges for Peace [], a homeschooling site, and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews [] and its ministry On Wings of Eagles. Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, director of that organization, has gone on record as being an adamant opponent of Jewish evangelism. []
It is difficult to characterize the movement as holding to any one set of doctrines. Some Hebraic Roots organizations offer a statement of faith that is evangelical in Christology and soteriology, although also adding points concerning law-keeping or festival observance. Some espouse the "Two-House Theory" [] that the Church is Ephraim, and there is affiliation and overlap between both movements. For instance, Edward Chumney, who has written in support of the Two-House Theory, is news director for "Restore!" magazine published by the Restoration Foundation..." 2
Regarding their Magazine, Restore! which has Eddie Chumney as News Director:
"Restore! is published by Restoration Foundation as a service to those in the Christian and Jewish communities who envision the restoration of Christianity's Judaic heritage and the eradication of Christian Judaeophobia and anti-Semitism." 3
According to their website, The
Mission of the Restoration Foundation is:
Returning the Church to the Faith of Abraham Completed by Jesus Christ. ...Empowering Believers to Become More Like Jesus, their Jewish Lord. We help believers to become more Christ-like by embracing the Judaic world view and ethics which Jesus taught.Showing the Interrelationship between Judaism and Christianity. We seek to restore the church to its Biblical roots which Jesus himself firmly planted in the soil of Judaism.Turning Christians Back to a Love for Israel and the Jewish people. We endeavor to restore the church to love for the land and people of Israel...Opening New Opportunities for Inter-faith Dialogue and Cooperation. We seek personal dialogue between Jews and Christians so that all who practice Biblical ethics may work together.Removing Historical Anti-Semitism and Judaeophobia from the Church. We endeavor to eradicate hostile attitudes and actions towards Jews and Judaism from the fabric of Christendom.Encouraging Believers Everywhere to Claim Their Judaic Heritage. We promote the restoration of all believers to their rightful heritage in the Judaism of the first century church..." 4
Perhaps the question should be
asked--will this inter-faith dialogue bring about a love for Christians or those
who have Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord? This writer sees no Biblical removal
of persecution or hatred towards those who Love Jesus Christ, via dialogue with
those who reject Jesus Christ. See: Persecution
Free Christianity.
Matthew 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.John 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.1 John 4:5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.
6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
What precisely is needing to be restored, because, quite
frankly, the "original faith" is not missing, nor has it ever
been. Not if one understands the 'faith' is about the person of Jesus
2 Corinthians 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
5 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.
The Restoration Foundations
prefaces their Recommended Websites and Ministry Connections with the following statement and then
includes the following links, although all have not been listed here. [hotlinks
So, in this highly recommended resource that this writer was told reveals the "true" Hebrew Roots movement, we have the promotion of David Bivin, the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research, which views Jesus Christ as a Jewish sage--all of which I've written about, and the following.The following are links to organizations that share some or all of Restoration Foundation's vision for restoring Christianity's Hebrew foundations and support the international Jewish community and the nation of Israel...Arkansas Institute of Holy Land Studies, David Bivin, First Fruits of Zion, Glory of Yahshuah;Gordon College /Dr. Marvin Wilson-Author: Our Father Abraham; HaKesher (the connection)- An excellent connection! ; Heart of Wisdom- Homeschool Information ; Howard Morgan Ministry;Institute for Hebraic-Christian Studies Houston, TX [R Booker] International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem ; [ICEJ]International Fellowship of Christians and Jews -The site prominently features our ON WINGS OF EAGLES ministry, which raises awareness and financial support among Christians for the emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel in fulfullment of prophecy of the "second exodus" from the land of the north. [IFCJ]
Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research ~ ("a consortium of Jewish and Christian scholars who are examining the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) within the context of the language, land and culture in which Jesus lived.")
Malachi's Torah Scroll ~ Torah study >
Messianic Bible Institute - Yeshiva ; Messianic Music
Messianic Israel Ministries "The reunion and full restoration of the two houses: This is the hope of Messianic Israel.... Batya & Angus Wooten - House of David"
Project Genesis ~ Torah on the Information Superhighway
Sound of the Trumpet Ministries/Institute For Hebraic Christian Studies /...." 5
Arkansas Institute of Holy Land Studies--discussed below; HaKesher, the ministry of Robert Lindsay, one of the individuals who helped promote the erroneous "original Hebrew gospels" view;The Wootens Two House theology, also written about in the MJAA's "Ephraimite Error";
Project Genesis--which I've written about-see--Kabbalah Connections....
"... Project Genesis, which is linked to many "countermissionary" organizations whose stated goals are to bring people out of Christianity or the "church". Many of the organizations and their leadership publicly denounce Jesus Christ. Then there are the many groups connected to Bridges for Peace and many other "reconciliation" organizations.For The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews and Rabbi Eckstein--See--Apostles, Prophets & The International Fellowship of Christians & Jews;
See also-The Bible & The Talmud and also Kabbalah Initiation > "Transition from Talmud to Kabbalah "The connection between the Talmudic teachings and the Kabbalah is confirmed in the "Hypertext Halacha" of Project Genesis, which is disseminated by Orthodox Jews, and also linked to such Hebrew Roots sites...."
Restoration Foundation promotes, Malachi's Torah Scroll ~ Torah study > >>> which is David Hargis's written about extensively in the Seek God articles.
Messianic Bible Institute - Yeshiva > >>> David Hargis's Yeshiva---See: MBI Yeshiva & The Hargis Clan ... Messianic Music > > David Hargis again.
The promotion of, Sound of the Trumpet Ministries/Institute For Hebraic Christian Studies / (6) takes you to Eddie Chumney's website, which states and promotes the following ideals and individuals, many of which are specifically mentioned as recommended sources.
SOUNDS OF THE TRUMPET, INC "Richard Booker is President of Sounds of the Trumpet Inc. and the Founder/Director and resident professor of IHCS. Richard has written many books on the Jewish Roots of Christianity >The Institute for Hebraic-Christian Studies (IHCS)>Restoration Foundation promotes Marvin Wilson--see Jacob Prasch & The Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research; First Fruits of Zion--to be discussed; and so on.
International Board
Randall Bane, Dr. Ron Moseley, Dwight Pryor, Jay Rawlings, Hal Michael Utterback, Clarence Wagner, Dr. Marvin Wilson, Dr. Brad Young..." 7
Glory of Yahshua promoted by Restoration Foundation shows the link Glory of Yahshuah to be >, which is also found listed under the Sacred Name movement.
"Unlocking the Door to the Temple of Truth A 2-Page Site advertising a Book. Makes no mention of the Father's Name, but calls the Son 'Yahshuah'.The website is no longer available but Jeff Weiss uses the onetruth15 as his email. However, "UNLOCKING THE DOOR TO THE TEMPLE OF TRUTH" was a book written by Weiss in 1998, and is sold for $15 from his current website, forthegoym, which is merely one of his websites. 9 He is also the author of "The Truth of Reformation." Another of his websites is For the Glory of Yahshua Ministries. 10" 8
Glory of Yahshuah Ministries PO Box 22096 Hilton Head Island, SC 29925
Tele: (843) 342-2777 Email: Website: Leader: Rabbi Jeffrey L. Weiss
Glory of Yahshua Ministries,
recommended by the Restoration Foundation is the ministry of Jeff Weiss, part of
Two House Theology, promoter and friend of Michael
Rood, and speaker at Marshall
Koniuchowsky's Two House events. He makes the claim on his website--as do so
many others- that his ministry is to teach the "Manna" that has been
apparently hidden from the church. His ministry is supposedly doing what others don't,
that is, "teaching and preaching the entire Word of God (Elohim) as it was
intended to be taught."
For More on Jeff Weiss see: MJAA
Executives & The Hebrew Roots Fringe; The
Rev. Michael John Rood
For an in-depth discussion
from a reader about the various Names, please see:
WHAT'S IN A NAME Yahshua, Yehoshua,
Y'shua, Yeshua, Iesous, Iesus, or Jesus?
Jeff Weiss is the 'rabbi' that had the picture
of his dog on his website, draped with the tallit [prayer shawl], with the fringes touching the
floor, until the Michael Rood articles were posted on the Seek God web site. Then those pictures were
And these are some of the resources which this
writer was told are representative of "real" Hebrew Roots, and which I
was uninformed about. God forbid that this is what mainstream Messianism is about!
Many, while acquiring
Jewish trappings and traditions, don't understand the Jewish religion enough
to understand what the issue was when this writer asked on one Messianic
forum-again in August 2003-, the
How do Jews who are practicing Judaism, view those who are attempting to emulate their traditions? Do they view Messianics as Jews?What about the many "gentile" Messianics attempting to add "Jewish flavor" to their beliefs? Do they resent or mock them? Do they desire to become a part of the emulation?Aren't we to do things that edify, and avoid doing things that can be a stumbling block or keep people from Christ?
Do Messianics see the picture that had been flown on 'Rabbi' Jeff Weiss's website, draping a tallit [prayer shawl] over his dog, with the fringes lying on the floor, and know that this is an affront to those in the Jewish religion? Weiss is an associate of Rood and Koniuchowsky and part of the 2house movement.
The question was asked because
one former Messianic had mentioned that they had seen the picture on Weiss's website
and thought it cute. It's not. It's a total insult to Jewish traditions, which
many Messianics are making a pretense of embracing.
prayer shawl holds the tassels. The tassels or fringes,
according to the command given by God in Numbers
15:37-41, were to be a reminder to Israel of God's
commandments, but those who accept Christ are not
required to wear them. No real rabbi would have the
fringes touch the floor, and this writer would likely
not be wrong in suggesting that no 'real' rabbi would
put his prayer shawl on his dog. There is no excuse for
"Rabbi" Jeff Weiss's use of the tallit in this
There's nothing new or different at
Restoration Foundation than what has
already been analyzed in the various Seek God articles. Just a few more names that are
The Jews for Jesus article
continues with a link to Eddie Chumney's second site, which is the URL this
writer was originally given as a good source to learn about Hebrew Roots, and
states:Similarly, the Hebraic Roots Of Christianity Global Network > >website links to materials on the Two-House Theory. On the other hand "Restore!" published an article that seems traditionally evangelical, by a retired official of the Reformed Churches in America...." 11This writer was also told another positive resource to educate myself about Hebrew Roots was, "....And we can get an additional overview of what are really "Hebrew Roots" folks at Quite a diverse group.."
Brad Young, Marvin Wilson, Dwight Pryor, Richard Booker [mentioned in Restoration links and above] and Ron Moseley are all recommended as essentially good Hebrew Roots writers--what would be acceptable to "mainstream" Messianism.
Again quoting from the Jews for Jesus article, we see that the recommended is actually the American Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, which was promoted in the Restoration Foundation links, and includes the names already mentioned in this article:
"One teaching institution that is part of this movement is the American Institute of Middle Eastern Studies (formerly called the Arkansas Institute of Holy Land Studies) headed by Ron Moseley. Faculty include Roy Blizzard, Marv Wilson, and Brad Young, among others. According to the Christian Research Institute >, Blizzard comes "precariously close to rejecting the inerrancy of Scripture" and appears to hold "to an aberrant, if not heretical, view of the Trinity."... one organization within this network is HaKesher >, > the ministry of Robert Lindsay, one of the scholars who helped promulgate the "original Hebrew gospels" view. Also cited as teachers with this ministry are Joseph Frankovic, David Bivin, and Brad Young. Some of these are connected with Oral Roberts University.
In Mishkan 17-18 (1992/1993)> target=
Michael L. Brown responded to the Roy Blizzard/David Bivin/Robert Lindsay views of the New Testament with a serious "discommendation" of the book Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus by Blizzard and Bivin, and with a stern word of warning concerning the overall approach of the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research to biblical reliability. [bolding added]
The Hebraic Roots movement presents itself as an educational movement. ... But it is evident that this is much more than book study. ... it is a call to a Torah-observant and/or festival observant lifestyle as essential in the life of a Christian or as bringing the Christian into greater conformity with Jesus. It teaches a "return" to or a "restoration" of so-called "original" first-century Jewish practices and understandings and a rejection of much else as non-Jewish. Some organizations such as Brad Young's Gospel Research Foundation >, may be more strictly educational in nature, and have sponsored conferences, one of which was held at Oral Roberts University, Our Lady of Sorrow Convent, and Temple Israel in Tulsa and included the participation of local rabbis and cantors.
... Awareness Ministries > raises plenty of questions: "Feast day celebrations must not be limited to serving as mediums for worship and praise. We have discovered and aggressively teach that within these Biblical Memorial days such as Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles is expressed every spiritual lesson that is needed to bring the Church to the knowledge of the full counsel of God." ...."12
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